Wednesday 22 February 2017

First Things First!

Right! I've finally got around to actually making one of these blogs that so many people like to rave about. Guess i'll introduce myself.

The names Ross Mole. I'm a 22 year old unemployed law graduate living in the amazing city of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. I'm interested in a lot of things , from football and cricket, to politics, music, law and business. I'm proud of my left wing political beliefs , but in all situations I like to think I am the voice of reason.

A lot of what I see in the news is one sided (cough cough Daily Mail, cough cough The S*n) and therefore many readers never get to see an actual analysis of facts without an obvious bias. I want to change this. I want people to think for themselves.

After the Brexit vote and Donald Trump being elected President of the USA, I immediately called those that voted for these every name under the sun, but then I began to consider why they voted this way. After careful consideration , I found them to be just what I expected: Morons. But this was after judging both horrifically terrible arguments put forth during the campaigns.

I like to analyse a situation and make a reasoned judgement, with no bias. If you studied the International Baccalaureate like me (maker save us) , you'll know that's impossible, but I do my best to present an analysis of the facts and then give an informed opinion afterwards.

I hope you stick with me, because I've got one hell of an axe to grind with close minded thinking, and I want the world to know it.

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